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author bios: b
Bios as of the time of publication. Please use your browser's search function [ctrl/cmd-F] to find authors by last name. 

Lawrence Badash

Lawrence Badash, professor emeritus of the history of science at the University of California, Santa Barbara, works on the history of radioactivity and nuclear physics and the role of scientists in the nuclear arm race. His books include Radioactivity in America: Growth and Decay of a Science (1979) and Scientists and the Development of Nuclear Weapons: From Fission to the Limited Test Ban Treaty, 1939–1963 (1995).

Peter Baehr

Peter Baehr is a doctoral student in the department of sociology at the University of Leicester, England.

Bianca Baggiarini

Bianca Baggiarini is a political sociologist and senior lecturer at UNSW Canberra at the Australian Defence Force Academy. Her research is broadly concerned with the social and political effects of autonomous weapons systems. To that end, her research examines the figure of the citizen-soldier considering security privatization and theories of military sacrifice. Her current work is focused on military attitudes toward autonomous weapons, and the impact of high technology warfare on issues of trust, reward, recognition, and recruitment in the military.

Ravi Baghirathan

Ravi Baghirathan is a graduate student in the Graduate Faculty at The New School and a researcher at the Center for Economic Policy Analysis. He is currently pursuing research in the philosophy of science and the history of economic thought.


Saladdin Ahmed Bahozde is a scholar member of the New University in Exile Consortium and an associate of the Institute for the Humanities, Simon Fraser University. His books include Critical Theory from the Margins (2023) and The Death of Home (2024).

Joe Bailey

Joe Bailey is a professor of sociology at Kingston University. His publications include Social Europe (ed. 1998), Pessimism (1988), and "Some Meanings of The Private?" in Sociological Thought in Sociology (14:3 2000).

Mervyn J. Bain

Mervyn J. Bain is a senior lecturer at the University of Aberdeen. He has published articles on the relationship between Moscow and Havana in various national and international journals and is also the author of three books on the relationship, including the most recent From Lenin to Castro, 1917 to 1959: Early Encounters between Moscow and Havana (2013).

Jon Bakija

Jon Bakija, a professor of economics at Williams College, is the coauthor of Taxing Ourselves: A Citizen’s Guide to the Debate over Taxes (4th ed. 2008).

Utku Balaban

Utku Balaban is a visiting associate professor at Amherst College’s Department of Anthropology and Sociology. In addition to his books on industrialization and social policy, his articles on urban politics are published in journals such as Urban Studies and Environment and Planning A. Balaban’s current work relates late urbanization and industrialization to Islamism in Turkey.


Shiva Balaghi is a historian who has written widely on the visual culture of the Middle East and its diasporas. She is the academic coordinator of the Area Global Initiative at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Her books include Saddam Hussein: A Biography (2005), Picturing Iran: Art, Society and Revolution (coedited with Lynn Gumpert; 2002), and Reconstructing Gender in the Middle East: Tradition, Identity, and Power (coedited with Fatma Müge Göçek; 1994).

Ajit Balakrishnan

Ajit Balakrishnan, an entrepreneur in the IT and media industries, is chairman of the board of the Indian Institute of Management Calcutta and also chairs the Indian Ministry of IT committee on Internet governance. He blogs at

Jorge Balan

Jorge Balan, a sociologist and international education expert, is a senior research scholar at Columbia University's School of International and Public Affairs. His most recent book is World Class Worldwide: Transforming Research Universities in Asia and Latin America (with Altbach, 2007).  

Lacey Baldwin Smith

Lacey Baldwin Smith, professor emeritus of history and Peter B. Ritzma professor in the humanities at Northwestern University, is the author of eight books on English history, including Fools, Martyrs, Traitors: the Story of Martyrdom in the Western World (1997). He is a fellow of the Royal Historical Society and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

Etienne Balibar

Etienne Balibar was born in 1942. He is the emeritus professor of philosophy at the University of Paris 10 Nanterre and a distinguished professor of humanities at the University of California, Irvine. His most recent books in English include Politics and the Other Scenes (2002) and We, the People of Europe? Reflections on Transnational Citizenship (2004).

Alexander S. Balinsky

Alexander S. Balinky, an associate professor of economics at Rutgers University, was born in the Soviet Union, and though he left there at an early age, he is thoroughly familiar with the Russian language. He has written several articles on Soviet affairs and is at work on a book dealing with the subject of his present essay. 

George W. Ball

George W. Ball (1909–1994), formerly Undersecretary of State (1961–1966), was a senior partner with Lehman Brothers. He wrote The Discipline of Power (1968). 

Edward Balleisen

Edward Baleinen is the vice provost for interdisciplinary studies and a professor of history and public policy at Duke University. His most recent book, Fraud: An American History from Barnum to Madoff (2017), won the Gomory Prize from the Business History Conference and also has a companion website:

Ryan K. Balot

Ryan K. Balot is an associate professor of classics at Washington University in St. Louis. His publications include Greed and Injustice in Classical Athens (2001) and articles on ancient Greek history and political thought.

Evren Balta

Evren Balta is a professor of international relations and the chair of the Department of International Relations at Özyegin University.

E. Digby Baltzell

E. Digby Baltzell (1915–1996) is a professor of sociology at the University of Pennsylvania. He has written two books, Philadelphia Gentlemen and The Protestant Establishment, and is engaged with a third on the Protestant ethic and the spirit of leadership. 

Dwaipayan Banerjee

Dwaipayan Banerjee is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Anthropology at New York University. His research examines the politics of life and suicide in New Delhi, India.

Lopamudra Banerjee

Lopamudra Banerjee, an assistant professor of economics at the New School, is engaged in a research program examining disasters and discontinuities in the natural physical system, as well as disorders and disequilibria in the social system.

Mukulika Banerjee

Mukulika Banerjee, author of The Pathan Unarmed (2000) and editor of Effervescent Democracy (2011), is a reader in social anthropology at the London School of Economics. Her current research is on popular perceptions of democracy in India. She is preparing a monograph on the subject.

William Augustus Banner

William Augustus Banner is a professor and chairman of the Department of Philosophy at Howard University. His most recent book is Moral Norms and Moral Order (1980).

Claudia Baracchi

Claudia Baracchi is an assistant professor of philosophy at the New School University's Graduate Faculty. Her most recently published paper is "Meditations on the Philosophy of History" in Research in Phenomenology (2001). She published Of Myth, Life, and War in Plato's Republic in December 2001.

Moshe Barasch

Moshe Barasch is the Jack Cotton professor of architecture and fine arts at Hebrew University. He is the author of Giotto and the Language of Gestures. His book, The Blind: The History of an Image, is in progress.

Morton S. Baratz

Morton S. Baratz is an instructor in economics at Yale University and has been a chairman of the Housing Authority of New London, Connecticut since 1949.

Bernard Barber

Bernard Barber is a professor emeritus at Columbia University. He is the author of Constructing the Social System (1993) and Social Studies of Science (1990).

​Banu Bargu is an associate professor of the history of consciousness at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Her research is situated at the intersections of political theory, anthropology, history of social movements, and critical philosophy. Her books include Starve and Immolate: The Politics of Human Weapons and Turkey's Necropolitical Laboratory: Democracy, Violence, and Resistance.

Joanne Barkan

Joanne Barkan’s series of articles on philanthropy and the corporate reform of public education in the United States can be found at

Leonard Barkan

Leonard Barkan is the Samuel Rudin professor of the humanities at New York University, the director of the New York Institute for the Humanities, and a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He is the wine editor of Gambero Rosso and author of, most recently, Transforming Passion: Ganymede and the Erotics of Humanism (1991).

David Barkin

David Barkin, an assistant professor of economics at New York University, has written widely in the field of economic development. He is coeditor of a book in preparation, Strategies of Nation-Building: The Case of Cuba.

Geoffrey Barraclough

Geoffrey Barraclough is the Chichele professor of modern history at the University of Oxford. His published works include An Introduction to Contemporary History and The Origins of Modern Germany. He is presently working on a volume titled From the Crisis of Capitalism to the Crisis of Neo-Capitalism, World History, 1929–1972.

Christian Barry

Christian Barry is the director of the Center for Moral, Social, and Political Theory in the Research School of the Social Sciences at the Australian National University. His publications include International Trade and Labor Standards: A Proposal for Linkage (with Reddy, 2008).

David T. Barstow

David T. Barstow, an investigative reporter for the New York Times, won the 2009 Pulitzer Prize for exposing a Pentagon campaign to use retired military officers working as analysts for television and radio networks to reiterate administration talking points about the war on terror.

Reid Basher

Reid Basher, senior coordinator of the Inter-Agency and Policy Coordination Unit in the UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction, studies the interaction of science, policy, and applications practice concerning climate risk and disasters, early warning and the management of seasonal variability, and adaption to climate change.

Sean Basinski

Sean Basinski is the founder and director of the Street Vendor Project at the Urban Justice Center. In 1998, before attending law school, Sean sold burritos at the corner of 52nd Street and Park Avenue. He teaches classes in community organizing at NYU and Columbia.

Gary Bass

Gary J. Bass is an assistant professor of politics and international affairs at Princeton University. He is the author of Stay the Hand of Vengeance: The Politics of War Crimes Tribunals (2000). A former reporter for The Economist, he has written for the New York Times, the Washington Post, the New Republic, and other publications.

Mary T. Bassett

Mary T. Bassett is director of the François-Xavier Bagnoud (FXB) Center for Health and Human Rights and FXB Professor of the Practice of Health and Human Rights in the Department of Social and Behavioral Science at the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health. Previously, Bassett served for four years as commissioner of health for New York City.

Robert Bates

Robert H. Bates is the Eaton Professor in the Department of Government at Harvard University and an associate professor in the Department of Economics at the University of Toulouse. His books include Prosperity and Violence (2002) and When Things Fell Apart (2008).

David Bathrick

David Bathrick is an associate professor of German at the University of Wisconsin–Madison and the author of The Dialectic and the Early Brecht (1975).

Jean Baudrillard

Jean Baudrillard is a professor of sociology at the University of Paris, Nanterre. His most recent book is Simulacres et Simulation (1981). 

Tamas Bauer

Tamas Bauer is a senior research fellow at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Economics, in Budapest. 

Gregory Baum

Gregory Baum is a professor of religious studies at St. Michael's College, University of Toronto. He has recently published a book, Man Becoming

Zygmunt Bauman

Zygmunt Bauman is a professor of sociology at Warsaw University, the chief editor of Studia Socjologiczne, and the author of An Outline Sociology, Class-Movement Elite, Images of the Human World, Culture, and Society. He is now working on Essays in the Thea: Of Culture.

FRANZ Baumann

Franz Baumann was a United Nations assistant secretary-general. He taught at the Hertie School in Berlin, the Universität Konstanz, and New York University. He is the president-elect of the Academic Council on the United Nations System, an executive editor of Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development, and a member of the Scientists for Future (S4F) professional board as well as the board of advisers of the Centre for United Nations Studies at the University of Buckingham.

Markus Baumanns

Markus Baumanns is the executive vice president of the Ebelin and Gerd Bucerius ZEIT Foundation. He is also chairman of the executive board of Bucerius Law School. He is a frequent speaker in Germany and abroad on reforming German and European public higher education. He has published extensively on the reform of higher education in Germany and the internationalization of legal education in Germany.

William J. Baumol

William J. Baumol is a professor of economics at New York University and the senior research economist and professor emeritus at Princeton University.

Eddie Bautista

Eddie Bautista is the executive director of the NYC Environmental Justice Alliance, which advocates for the empowerment and just treatment of environmentally overburdened neighborhoods. An award-winning community organizer and urban planner, he is also a visiting assistant professor at Pratt Institute.

Ahmed C. Bawa

Ahmed Bawa is a professor at the University of Johannesburg and currently a project professor at Tokyo College, University of Tokyo, where he has been working on research topics and a dialogue series on the future of higher education. Until September 2022, he was head of Universities South Africa. He is a theoretical physicist with an ongoing interest in the changes taking place in science and higher education and the environment in which they function.

Ronald Bayer

Ronald Bayer, PhD, focuses his research on issues of social justice and ethical matters related to AIDS, tuberculosis, illicit drugs, and tobacco. He is an elected member of the Institute of Medicine of the US National Academy of Sciences, and has served on its committees dealing with the social impact of AIDS, tuberculosis elimination, vaccine safety, smallpox vaccination and the Ryan White Care Act. Dr. Bayer has been a consultant to the World Health Organization on ethical issues related to public health surveillance, HIV and tuberculosis. His articles have appeared in the New England Journal of Medicine, the Journal of the American Medical Association, The Lancet, the American Journal of Public Health, and The Milbank Quarterly.

Geoffrey Baym

Geoffrey Baym is an associate professor of media studies at the University of North Carolina, Greensboro. He is the author of From Cronkite to Colbert: The Evolution of Broadcast News (2010) and the coeditor of News Parody and Political Satire Across the Globe (with Jones, forthcoming). His work on emerging forms of broadcast journalism and public affairs media has also appeared in numerous academic journals.

Gordon Bazemore

Gordon Bazemore, a professor of criminology and criminal justice and the director of the Community Justice Institute at Florida Atlantic University, is currently the principal investigator of the Balanced and Restorative Justice Project, funded by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.

Charles A. Beard

Charles A. Beard (1874–1978) was the most prominent American progressive historian of his time. He earned his PhD from Columbia University in 1904, where he was a professor of history and public law until 1917. He resigned in reaction to the firing of fellow professors who protested US involvement in WWI. He was a founding member of the New School for Social Research, and his well-known works include An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution (1913), The Economic Origins of Jeffersonian Democracy (1915) and The Administration and Politics of Tokyo (1923).

David Beavers

David Beavers is a PhD student in the Department of Government, Harvard University. He specializes in the study of political communication in the United States. He was formerly a journalist and editor at Politico.

Jo Becker

Jo Becker is the children’s rights advocacy director at Human Rights Watch and an adjunct associate professor of international and public affairs at Columbia University. Her most recent book is Campaigning for Children: Strategies for Advancing Children’s Rights (2017).

Nazan Bedirhanoglu is a postdoctoral fellow at Wellesley College and a New University in Exile fellow.

Pınar Bedirhanoglu

Pınar Bedirhanoglu is an associate professor in the department of international relations at Middle East Technical University, Turkey. Coeditor of Turkey's New State in the Making: Transformations in Legality, Economy and Coercion (2020), she works on Marxist state theory, neoliberal state and security transformations, financialization, political economy of corruption, and neoliberal anticorruption policies.

Samuel H. Beer

Samuel H. Beer (1912–2009) was a professor of government at Harvard University from 1946 until his retirement in 1982. He graduated from Balliol College, Oxford as a Rhodes scholar and wrote several speeches for Franklin Delano Roosevelt. After spending many years as a reporter for the New York Post, he received a PhD in political science from Harvard. Beer specialized in American and British government, publishing many books including The City of Reason (1949), British Politics in the Collectivist Age (1965), and Britain Against Itself: The Political Contradictions of Collectivism (1982).

Frances Beinecke

Frances Beinecke is the former president of the Natural Resources Defense Council. She is a member the Secretary of Energy’s Advisory Board, and she also serves on the advisory boards of the MIT Energy Initiative, the National Academy of Sciences, and the World Resources Institute.

Joel Beinin

Joel Beinin is the Donald J. McLachlan professor of history at Stanford University. His latest books are The Struggle for Worker Rights in Egypt (2010) and Social Movements, Mobilization, and Contestation in the Middle East and North Africa (2011). 

Mark R. Beissinger

Mark R. Beissinger is a professor of political science and the director of the Center for Russia, East Europe, and Central Asia at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. He recently published The Persisting Ambiguity of Empire (1995) and is a contributing coeditor of The Nationalities Factor in Soviet Politics and Society (1990).

Jean-Philippe Béja

Jean-Philippe Béja is a research professor emeritus at the CERI-Sciences-Po (Center for International Research). A sinologist and a political scientist, he works on state-society relations and on democratic opposition in the People’s Republic of China. He has written extensively on the democratization of Hong Kong.

Konrad Bekker

Carolyn Shaw Bell

Carolyn Shaw Bell is the Katherine Coman professor of economics at Wellesley College, the author of The Economics of the Ghetto (1971), and a contributor to Coping in a Troubled Society (1974). 

Daniel Bell

Daniel Bell is the Henry Ford II professor of social sciences at Harvard University. His works include The Coming of Post-Industrial Society and The Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism

Philip W. Bell

Philip W. Bell is William Alexander Kirkland professor of economics at Rice University. His most recent book, with Edgar O. Edwards and L. Todd Johnson, is Accounting for Economic Events (1980).

Aaron Ben-Zeev

Aaron Ben-Zeev is an associate professor of philosophy at the University of Haifa in Israel. 

Gyorgy Bence

Gyorgy Bence teaches in the Department of Social and Moral Philosophy within the Faculty of the Humanities at the Eotvos Lorand University, Budapest. 

Vaclav Benda

Vaclav Benda, a devout Catholic layman and a spokesman for Charter 77, served four years in prison. 

John C. Bender

John C. Bender, an assistant director of the Center for International Studies of New York University, has written in the field of international law. 

Reinhard Bendix

Reinhard Bendix is a professor of political science at the University of California, Berkeley. His most recent book is Kings or People: Power and the Mandate to Rule (1978).

Seyla Benhabib

Seyla Benhabib is professor emerita of political science and philosophy, Yale University, a senior scholar in residence at Columbia Law School, and senior fellow at the Columbia Center for Contemporary Critical Theory. She is the author and editor of two dozen books, which have been translated into 13 languages. Her most recent book is Exile, Statelessness, and Migration: Playing Chess with History from Hannah Arendt to Isaiah Berlin (2018). She is currently at work on a book called The New Sovereigntism

Harold S. Benjamin

Erica Benner

Erica Benner is a fellow in political philosophy at Yale. Her books include Really Existing Nationalisms (1995), Machiavelli's Ethics (2009), and Machiavelli's Prince: A New Reading (2013). She is writing a new book on Machiavelli, Be Like the Fox and a book on Thucydides. 

Joseph Bensman

Joseph Bensman (1922–1986) was a professor of sociology at City College and the Graduate Center of CUNY. He was an applied and humanistic sociologist who wrote numerous books including Small Town in Mass Society (with Arthur Vidich, 1960) and Mass, Class, and Bureaucracy: The Evolution of Contemporary Society (1963).

Robert M. Berdahl

Robert M. Berdahl became the president of the Association of American Universities (AAU) in May 2006. He has also served as chancellor of the University of California, Berkeley, and president of The University of Texas at Austin. 

Ivar Berg

Ivar Berg, an associate professor of business administration at Columbia University, has written many articles on industrial relations and a book, Democratic Values and the Rights of Management.

Bennett M. Berger

Bennett M. Berger, author of Working-Class Suburb, is an associate professor of sociology and chairman of the department of sociology at the University of California, Davis. 

A. A. Berle Jr. 

Adolph Augustus Berle Jr. (1895–1971) was on the faculty of Columbia Law School and was a member of Franklin Delano Roosevelt's Brain Trust, which shaped the New Deal. He was assistant secretary of state to Latin America during World War II and, after the war, ambassador to Brazil from 1945 to 1946. His books include Modern Corporation and Private Property (1933), Tides of Crisis (1957), and Power Without Property (1959).

Sir Isaiah Berlin

Sir Isaiah Berlin is a fellow at All Souls College, Oxford and the president of the British Academy. His most recent book is Vico and Herder: Two Studies in the History of Ideas (1976).

Jerry Berman

Jerry Berman is the founder and executive director of the Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT), as well as the president of the Internet Education Foundation. He chairs the 120-organization Advisory Committee to the Congressional Internet Caucus.

Haskell E. Bernstein

Haskell E. Bernstein is the training and supervisory analyst on the faculty of the Chicago Institute for Psychoanalysis and attending psychiatrist at Michael Reese Hospital. 

Jay M. Bernstein

Jay M. Bernstein is a professor of philosophy at the Graduate Faculty of the New School University. He is the author of Adorno: Disenchantment and Ethics (2001), and he edited and wrote the introduction to Classic and Romantic German Aesthetics (2003). His paper in this issue is part of a work in progress provisionally titled Moral Inquiry.

Peter L. Bernstein

Peter L. Bernstein is the publisher of Economics & Portfolio Strategy, a newsletter for institutional investors, and the consulting editor of the Journal of Portfolio Management. His latest book is The Power of Gold: The History of an Obsession (2000).

Kent C. Berridge

Kent C. Berridge is the James Olds collegiate professor of psychology and neuroscience in the psychology department and neuroscience program at the University of Michigan.

Virginia Berridge

Virginia Berridge is a professor of history at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Her publications include Opium and the People, republished and revised edition (1999); AIDS in the UK: The Making of Policy, 1981–1994 (1996); and Health and Society in Britain Since 1939 (1999).

Daniel Bessner

Daniel Bessner is the Anne H. H. and Kenneth B. Pyle assistant professor in American foreign policy in the Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies at the University of Washington. He is the author of Democracy in Exile: Hans Speier and the Rise of the Defense Intellectual (forthcoming, 2018).

Alan Beyerchen

Alan Beyerchen teaches German history at Ohio State University and is the author of Scientists Under Hitler: Politics and the Physics Community in the Third Reich (1981). 

Jamshed Bharucha

Jamshed Bharucha is the president of Cooper Union and the former provost and senior vice president of Tufts University. As a psychologist who studies cognitive neuroscience and music perception, he has focused on the cognitive and neural basis of the perception of music in his research.

Sabyasachi Bhattacharya

Sabyasachi Bhattacharya, a condensed matter physicist and the former director of the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) in Mumbai, is currently a distinguished professor at TIFR.

Nehal Bhuta

Nehal Bhuta is a professor of public international law at the European University Institute. He works in the areas of human rights law, laws of war, and the history and theory of international law.

Mario Biagioli

Mario Biagioli is a professor of the history of science at Harvard University. He is the author of Galileo Courtier (1993) and Galileo's Instruments of Credit (2006), editor of The Science Studies Reader (1998), and coeditor of Scientific Authorship (2003) and Contexts of Invention (forthcoming). He is currently working on a book on intellectual property and authorship in science.

Cristina Bicchieri

Cristina Bicchieri is the SJP Harvie professor of social thought and comparative ethics at the University of Pennsylvania and director of the philosophy, politics, and economics program. She is a foremost scholar of rational choice and philosophy of social science and a leader in behavioral ethics.

Kurt Biedenkopf

Kurt Biedenkopf is the former prime minister of the Free State of Saxony and the chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Hertie School of Governance. In 1973, he became the secretary general of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) in Germany, a post he held until 1977, and in 1976, he was elected as a member of the German Bundestag. From 1980 to 1988, he was a member of the North Rhine-Westphalia Parliament.

Joao Biehl

Joao Biehl is the Susan Dod Brown professor of anthropology, the Woodrow Wilson faculty associate, and the codirector of the program in global health and health policy at Princeton University. 

Henry S. Bienen

Henry S. Bienen, president emeritus of Northwestern University, is a nationally recognized leader in higher education. He is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and a member of the board of directors of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Michal Bilewicz

Michal Bilewicz is an associate professor of psychology at the University of Warsaw, where he chairs the Center for Research on Prejudice. His main research interests are: hate speech, post-conflict reconciliation, conspiracy theories, and social identity processes.

Akeel Bilgrami

Akeel Bilgrami is the Sidney Morgenbesser Professor of Philosophy at Columbia University. His books include Belief and Meaning (1992), Self-Knowledge and Resentment (2006), Secularism, Identity, and Enchantment (2014), and the forthcoming Gandhi, the Philosopher (Columbia University Press) and What Is a Muslim? (Princeton University Press).

Rudolph Billerbeck

Rudolf Billerbeck is a professor of political science at the University of Bremen.

Clare Birchall

Clare Birchall is a professor of contemporary culture at King’s College London. She is the author of Knowledge Goes Pop: From Conspiracy Theory to Gossip (2006) and Radical Secrecy: The Ends of Transparency in Datafied America (2021). With Peter Knight, she is the coauthor of Conspiracy Theories in the Time of Covid-19 (2022).

Lawrence Birken

Lawrence Birken is a visiting assistant professor of sociology at Hamilton College, Clinton, NY. 

Ritu Birla

Ritu Birla is an associate professor of history and the director of the initiative in Global Governance, Economy, and Society at the Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto. Her research has sought to build new conversations in the global study of capitalism and its forms of governing.

Peg Birmingham

Peg Birmingham, a professor of philosophy at DePaul University, is the author of Hannah Arendt and Human Rights: The Predicament of Common Responsibility (2006) and coeditor of Communis: Between Ethics and Politics (with van Haute, 1995). Her articles and book chapters on Hannah Arendt include, "Holes of Oblivion: The Banality of Radical Evil," in Feminist Philosophy and the Problem of Evil (2006).

Norman Birnbaum

Norman Birnbaum is a professor of sociology at Amherst College and was a visiting member of the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton in 1975/76. He is the author of The Crisis of Industrial Society (1969) and Toward a Critical Sociology (1971). 

Matthew Bishop

Matthew Bishop is the New York Bureau Chief of The Economist and the author of several books, including Philanthrocapitalism: How Giving Can Save the World (with Green, 2008). He is on Twitter as @mattbish.

Egon Bittner

Egon Bittner is a research social scientist at the Langley Porter Neuropsychiatric Institute, San Francisco. He has examined in detail one form of social organization in an article, "Radicalism and the Organization of Radical Movements" (The American Sociological Review, December, 1963). 

D. Caroline Blanchard

D. Caroline Blanchard is a research professor at the Pacific Biomedical Research Center and a professor of genetics and molecular biology at the John A. Burns School of Medicine, University of Hawaii. 

Augusto Blasi

Augusto Blasi is an assistant professor of psychology at Boston University. 

Maurice Bloch

Maurice Bloch, currently a professor of anthropology at the University of London, has also held the posts of convener of the Department of Anthropology at the London School of Economics and Associate Research Fellow at the Centre D'epistemologie Appliquee Ecole Polytechnique in Paris. His newest publication is How We Think They Think: Anthropological Studies in Cognition, Memory, and Literacy (1998).

Allan Bloom

Allan Bloom is an assistant professor of government at Cornell University. Translator of Politics and the Arts: Rousseau's Letter to d'Alembert on the Theatre, he is also the author of a forthcoming book on Shakespeare's politics. 

Fred Bloom

Fred Bloom is a practicing psychiatrist who lives in Mt. Vernon, Maine. 

Harold Bloom

Harold Bloom, a professor of English at Yale University, has published a number of works on poets and poetry, including Shelley's Mythmaking, Blake's Apocalypse, Yeats, and the Anxiety of Influence. His latest work, Wallace Stevens: The Poems of Our Climate, will appear in 1973, and he is at work on The Native Strain: American Romanticism.

Mia Bloom

Mia Bloom is an International Security fellow at New America and a professor at Georgia State University. She is the author of six books, including Small Arms: Children and Terror (2019), and coauthor with Sophia Moskalenko of Pastels and Pedophiles: Inside the Mind of QAnon (2021). Her next book, Veiled Threats: Women and Jihad, is expected in 2023.

Alan Blumberg

Alan Blumberg is the George Meade Bond professor and the director of the Davidson Laboratory at Stevens Institute of Technology. A specialist in urban oceanography, predictive modeling, and ocean physics, he has advised the NYC Mayor’s Office on the impacts of sea level rise and the New Jersey governor’s office on statewide storm surge reduction alternatives.

Baruch S. Blumberg

Baruch S. Blumberg, a 1976 Nobel laureate, is the vice president of the Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia and a professor of medicine and anthropology at the University of Pennsylvania. 

Hans Blumenberg

Hans Blumenberg is a professor of philosophy at the University of Munster. His books include Die kopernikanische Wende (1965) and Die Legitimitat der Neuzeit (1966). 

Franz Boas

Franz Boas (1859–1948), a noted anthropologist, immigrated to the United States in 1896. He lectured at Columbia University for 41 years, establishing there the first PhD program in anthropology in the United States. He also worked as an assistant curator at the American Museum of Natural History. His books include The Mind of Primitive Man (1911) and Anthropology and Modern Life (1928).

George Boas

George Boas (1891–1980) was a graduate of Brown University where he majored in philosophy, and he later earned his PhD from U. C. Berkeley. In 1921, he became a professor of philosophy at Johns Hopkins University. During WWII, he served as a commander in the US Navy. His many books include The Inquiring Mind (1959).

Lawrence D. Bobo

Lawrence Bobo is the W. E. B. Du Bois Professor of the Social Sciences and the dean of social science at Harvard University. His books include Urban Inequality: Evidence from Four Cities (edited with Alice O’Connor and Chris Tilly; 2001) and Prejudice in Politics: Group Position, Public Opinion, and the Wisconsin Treaty Rights Dispute (with Mia Tuan; 2006).

Sophie Body-Gendrot

Sophie Body-Gendrot is a professor of political science and American studies, founder and director of the Center for Urban Studies in the English-speaking world at the Universite Sorbonne-Paris IV, and a member of the Commission National de deontologie sur la securite. Her books include, Violence in Europe: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives (2007).

Robert W. Bogart

Robert W. Bogart, a doctoral candidate in the Department of Sociology at the University of Chicago, is a visiting instructor in the Department of Social Science at the Illinois Institute of Technology.

Alexander Boker

Richard J. Bonnie

Richard J. Bonnie is the John S. Battle professor of law at the University of Virginia School of Law and the director of the University's Institute of Law, Psychiatry, and Public Policy. Professor Bonnie writes and teaches in the fields of criminal law and procedure, mental health law, bioethics, and public health law.

Michel Bonnin

Michel Bonnin is a historian at the Centre d'Études sur la Chine Moderne and contemporaine of the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales. He has written extensively on the Chinese prodemocracy movement, most recently a book on the educated youth generation rusticated under Mao, titled La Generation Perdue (2004). He is a member of the editorial board of China Perspectives.

W.  James Booth

W. James Booth is a professor of political science and philosophy at Vanderbilt University. His most recent publications include Communities of Memory: On Witness, Identity, and Justice (2006), "The Unforgotten. Memories of Justice" in American Political Science Review (2001), and "Communities of Memory: On Identity, Memory and Debt" in American Political Science Review (1999).

Christian Borch

Christian Borch is a professor in the Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen. His books include The Politics of Crowds: An Alternative History of Sociology (2012) and Social Avalanche: Crowds, Cities and Financial Markets (2020). His current research focuses on automated trading in the financial markets.

Eliot Borenstein

Eliot Borenstein is a professor of Russian and Slavic studies at New York University. His most recent books include Plots against Russia: Conspiracy and Fantasy after Socialism (2020) and Meanwhile, in Russia…: Russian Internet Memes and Viral Video (2022).

G . A. Borgese

G. A. Borgese (1882–1952) was a professor of German literature at the Universities of Rome and Milan from 1910 to 1925 and taught aesthetics at the University of Milan from 1926 to 1931. In 1931 he was a visiting professor of Italian culture at the University of California, and in 1932 he was named the Neilson professor of comparative literature at Smith College.

Ladan Boroumand

Ladan Boroumand is currently a visiting fellow at the International Forum for Democratic Studies, National Endowment for Democracy, in Washington, DC. Her paper "Emigration and the Rights of Man: French Revolutionary Legislators Equivocate" appeared in the Journal of Modern History (March 2000). She and Roya Boroumand are at work on a volume titled Interpreting Iran's Islamic Revolution: A Conceptual History, and their paper "The Meaning of Elections in the Iranian Theocracy: A Historical Perspective," is forthcoming in the Journal of Democracy (October 2000).

Roya Boroumand

Roya Boroumand is an independent historian who has worked as a consultant for the Women's Rights Division of Human Rights Watch on discrimination in Moroccan family law and violence against women in Algeria. She has also researched discrimination against women and children in Iranian penal and family code. Her paper report for Human Rights Watch, "Women's Rights Division: Algeria, Morocco, Iran" appeared in World Report, 1999.

Tom Bottomore

Tom Bottomore (1920–1992) was a professor of sociology at the University of Sussex. His books include Elites and Society (1964), Classes in Modern Society (1965), Critics in Society (1965), and Karl Marx (1973).

Benjamin Boudou

Benjamin Boudou is a political theorist working in the Transformations of Citizenship Leibniz Research Group at Goethe University Frankfurt. He teaches at Sciences Po and is the editor of the French journal of political theory Raisons Politiques.

Corrie Boudreaux

Corrie Boudreaux holds a PhD in Latin American studies from Tulane University, where she teaches in the Department of Communication. Her research interests include violence, Latin American cities, drug trafficking, security, media, and photography.

Geoffrey Boulton

Geoffrey Boulton is Regius Professor of Geology and Vice Principal Emeritus at the University of Edinburgh and a member of the Governing Board of the International Science Council. He is renowned for his work in glaciology, on the roles of science, and on universities. Relevant publications include Opening the Record of Science: Making Scholarly Publishing Work for Science in the Digital Era and Science as a Global Public Good (both published by the ISC in 2021).

Marcel Boumans

Marcel Boumans is a professor of economics at the University of Amsterdam. His work on methodology, models, measurement, and mathematics includes the article "Built-in Justification in Models as Mediators" (1999). His paper, "Fisher's Instrumental Approach to Index Numbers," appeared in History of Political Economy.

Pierre Bourdieu

Pierre Bourdieu is director of studies at l'École Pratique des Hautes Études of the Sorbonne and director of the Center of European Sociology. He has written widely on Algerian problems and educational problems and on art and is now preparing a book on the theory of culture.

John R. Bowen

John R. Bowen is the Dunbar-Van Cleve Professor in Arts & Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis. He studies problems of pluralism, law, and religion. His book, Can Islam Be French? (2009), on Muslim debates and institutions in France will be followed by A New Anthropology of Islam (2012). He also writes for The Boston Review

Danah Boyd

danah boyd is a principal researcher at Microsoft Research, as well as the founder of Data and Society. She is a visiting professor teaching Interactive Telecommunications at NYU.

David Boyum

David Boyum is a public policy consultant in New York City.

Phillips Bradley

Phillips Bradley (1894–1982) graduated Harvard University in 1916 with a degree in political science and got his PhD in 1936 from the London School of Economics. In 1946, he was appointed director of their New York State School of Industrial Relations at Cornell University. He was a cultural affairs officer of the United States Information Service in India and Nepal from 1957 to 1964.

George Brand

George Brand is chief of the Division of Human Rights, Section on Prevention of Discrimination, and Protection of Minorities, with the United Nations Secretariat. He has written widely in the fields of international law and human rights.

Allan M. Brandt

Allan M. Brandt, an associate professor of the history of medicine and science at Harvard University, is the author of No Magic Bullet: A Social History of Venereal Disease in the United States since 1880 (1985). 

Karl Brandt

Karl Brandt (1899–1975) was a noted economist and a professor at the University of Berlin, New School for Social Research, and Stanford University. 

Eva Brann

Eva Brann is the Addison E. Millikin tutor at St. John's College in Annapolis, Maryland. She wrote Paradoxes of Education in a Republic (1979). 

David Braybrooke

David Braybrooke is an assistant professor of philosophy at Yale. He has written for British and American journals on a variety of philosophical topics.

Arnold Brecht

Arnold Brecht, professor of political science emeritus in the Graduate Faculty of the New School, is the author of Political Theory, which has gone through five printings and has been published in German, Spanish, and Portuguese.

Harry C. Bredemeier

Harry C. Bredemeier is professor of sociology emeritus at Rutgers University.

Paul S. Breidenbach

Paul S. Breidenbach is an associate professor of anthropology at Loyola University in Chicago. His fieldwork involved study of the Twelve Apostles, a West African spiritual movement. 

Teresa Brennan

Teresa Brennan is a visiting professor of philosophy at the New School for Social Research. She is the author of History After Lacan (1993) and Age of Paranoia.

Philip Brenner

Philip Brenner is a professor of international relations and an affiliate professor of history at American University. He is coauthor of Cuba Libre: A 500-Year Quest for Sovereignty (2017) and Sad and Luminous Days: Cuba's Struggle with the Superpowers after the Missile Crisis (2002) and coeditor of A Contemporary Cuba Reader: The Revolution under Raúl Castro (2014) and A Contemporary Cuba Reader: Reinventing the Revolution (2014).

Breyten Breytenbach

Breyton Breytenbach, a novelist born in South Africa and now living in Paris, wrote True Confessions of an Albino Terrorist (1985). His most recent novel is Memory of Snow and of Dust (1989). 

Shlomo Breznitz

Shlomo Breznitz is the Lady Davis professor at the University of Haifa and a professor of psychology at the Graduate Faculty of the New School University. He is the author of Denial of Stress (1983), Handbook of Stress (with Leo Goldberger, 1992), and Memory Fields (1993).

Richard Brilliant

Richard Brilliant is the Anna S. Garbedian professor in the humanities and a professor of art history and archaeology at Columbia University. His essay "Images to Light the Candle of Fame," introduces the Getty Museum's catalog for the exhibition Nadar/Warhol: Photography and Fame (1999). His recent books include Facing the New World: Jewish Portraits in Colonial and Federal America (1997) and Portraiture (1991).

Steven Brint

Steven Brint is the distinguished professor of sociology and public policy at the University of California, Riverside. He is the author or editor of seven books and more than 70 articles. He is completing work on a new book, The Ends of Knowledge: Organizational and Cultural Change in US Colleges and Universities, 1980–2015.

Crane Brinton

Crane Brinton (1898–1968) was a historian who specialized in the history of France. From 1942 to his death he taught at Harvard University. Among his many achievements include having been a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford University where he received his DPhil, being president of the American Historical Association, and testifying at the Fulbright Senate hearings on the Vietnam War.

Dan W. Brock

Dan W. Brock is the Frances Glessner Lee professor of medical ethics in the department of social medicine and director of the Division of Medical Ethics at the Harvard Medical School. He is also director of the Harvard Program in Ethics and Health. His books include From Chance to Choice: Genetics and Justice (with Buchanan, Daniels, and Wikler, 2000).

Stephen Eric Bronner

Stephen Eric Bronner is an assistant professor of political science at Rutgers University and editor of The Letters of Rosa Luxemburg (1978).

Peter Brooks

Peter Brooks, the Sterling professor of comparative literature emeritus at Yale University, is currently Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Scholar at Princeton University. He is the author of several books, including James Goes to Paris (2007) and Enigmas of Identity (2011).

Roy L. Brooks

Roy L. Brooks is a Warren Distinguished Professor of Law at the University of San Diego. He is the author of more than 100 articles and over 20 books, most recently, Racial Justice in the Age of Obama (2009), The Racial Class Ceiling: Subordination in American Law and Culture (2017), and Diversity Judgments: Democratizing Judicial Legitimacy (2022).

John M. Broughton

John M. Broughton is an associate professor of psychology and education at Teachers College, Columbia University. He is coauthor of The Cognitive Developmental Psychology of James Mark Baldwin (1982). 

Adam D. Brown

Adam D. Brown is an associate professor in the Department of Psychology, at the New School for Social Research and an adjunct assistant professor at New York University School of Medicine.

Julie Vail Brown

Julie Vail Brown is an assistant professor of sociology at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. 

Murray Brown

Murray Brown is a professor of econometrics at George Washington University. He has recently published a book, On the Theory and Measurement of Technological Change

Nathan J. Brown

Nathan J. Brown is a professor of political science and international affairs at George Washington University and the Nonresident Senior Associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

Richard Harvey Brown

Richard Harvey Brown is an associate professor of sociology at the University of Maryland and the author of A Poetic for Sociology: Toward a Logic of Discovery for the Human Sciences (1977).

Yale Brozen

Yale Brozen, on leave from Northwestern University until 1955, is at present a visiting professor of economics at the Escola de Sociologia e Politica in São Paulo, Brazil, where he is also conducting research on technological change. He has written many articles on this subject and is the author of "Social Implications of Technological Change," published by the Social Science Research Council in 1950.

Thomas Brudholm

Thomas Brudholm is associate professor at the University of Copenhagen. His research centers on responses to anger, hate, and mass atrocities. His publications include Resentment’s Virtue (2008), Hate, Politics, Law (with Johansen, 2018), and Emotions and Mass Atrocity (with Lang, 2018).

Paula Bruening

Paula Bruening is the staff counsel for the Center for Democracy and Technology, where her work focuses on privacy and the First Amendment. 

Jerome Bruner

Jerome Bruner is a senior research fellow and a research professor of psychology at the New York University School of Law. Among his many books are Making Stories: Law, Literature, Life (2002), The Culture of Education (1996), and Acts of Meaning (1990).

C. G. A. Bryant

C. G. A. Bryant, a lecturer in sociology at the University of Southampton, is currently at work on a critique of selected approaches to the problems of sociology in action. It is to be published this year. 

James M. Buchanan

James M. Buchanan, a professor of economics at the University of California, Los Angeles, has written several books on economics, including Demand and Supply of Public Goods and Public Finance in Democratic Process.

H. Taylor Buckner

H. Taylor Buckner, an assistant professor of sociology at Sir George Williams University in Montreal, is the author of several articles on deviance and is preparing a study to be titled Deviance, Reality, and Change.

Sanford Budick

Sanford Budick is the director of the Center for Literary Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. His most recent book is The Dividing Muse: Images of Sacred Disjunction in Milton's Poetry (1985). 

Hedley Bull

Hedley Bull (1932–1985) was a professor of international relations at Oxford University. His books include The Anarchical Society: A Study of Order in World Politics (1977). 

Robert D. Bullard

Robert D. Bullard is the Edmund Asa Ware distinguished professor of sociology and the director of the Environmental Justice Resource Center at Clark Atlanta University. He is the author of 14 books, most recently Deadly Waiting Game Beyond Hurricane Katrina: Government Response, Unnatural Disasters, and African Americans (forthcoming 2009).

Martin Bulmer

Martin Bulmer is a professor of sociology and the director of the ESRC Social Survey Question Bank at the University of Surrey. He is the coeditor of Racism (1999) and Citizenship Today: The Contemporary Relevance of T. H. Marshall (1996) and the author of The Chicago School of Sociology: Institutionalisation, Diversity, and the Rise of Sociological Research (1984).

Anton Burghardt

Anton Burghardt, a professor of social science and industrial sociology and the director of the Institute for Social Science and Industrial Sociology at the University of Graz, has recently published a Compendium of Social Science

Frederic S. Burin

Frederic S. Burin is a professor of government at the American University in Washington, DC. He is undertaking a study on the relation between law and decree under successive French constitutional systems. 

Hauke Burnkhorst

Hauke Burnkhorst is a professor of sociology at the University of Flensburg. His most recent books are Critical Theory of Legal Revolutions: An Evolutionary Perspective (2014) and Das doppelte Gesicht Europas—Zwischen Kapitalismus und Demokratie (2014). 

John Burt

John Burt is a professor of English at Brandeis University. His publications include The Collected Poems of Robert Penn Warren (1998) and Work Without Hope (1996), a book of poems. His book, Lincoln, Douglas, and the Political Culture of Freedom, is in progress.

Daniel Bustillo

Daniel Bustillo is an adjunct lecturer at Columbia University’s School of Social Work and a doctoral student at Columbia in social policy and administration. His research interests include the racial wealth gap, alt labor structures, and community-based organizations. 

Martin Bútora

Martin Bútora is a sociologist and adviser to Slovak President Andrej Kiska. In November 1989, he cofounded Public Against Violence. Later he served as ambassador to the US. Among his numerous publications on civil society and foreign policy is Where Do We Come from and Where Are We Going: 20 Years of Independence (2013).

Zora Bútorová

Zora Bútorová is a senior research fellow at the Institute for Public Affairs in Bratislava. She is coauthor and editor of several books, including She and He in Slovakia: Gender and Age in the Period of Transition (2010) and Fateful Eights in Historical Consciousness of the Slovak Public (2018).

Michael Butter

Michael Butter is a professor of American Studies at the University of Tübingen. He is the author of The Nature of Conspiracy Theories (2020), coeditor of The Handbook of Conspiracy Theories (2020), and principal investigator of the Populism and Conspiracy Theory project, funded by the European Research Council.

Lisa Buxbaum Burke

Lisa Buxbaum Burke is a project manager and research associate at the Susan Bulkeley Butler Center for Leadership Excellence at Purdue University and the Center for Work-Family Stress, Safety, and Health. 

Norman F. Byers

Norman F. Byers received his training at Northwestern University, where he taught Business Statistics during 1954–1959. He is now an assistant professor of economics at the University of Houston. 

Marcia Bystryn

Marcia Bystryn is an assistant professor of sociology at Northeastern University.

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