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author bios: k
Bios as of the time of publication. Please use your browser's search function [ctrl/cmd-F] to find authors by last name. 

Jiri Kabele

Jiri Kabele is head of the Department of Sociology and Social Policy in the Faculty of Social Sciences at Charles University in Prague.

Ayse Kadioglu

Ayşe Kadıoğlu is professor of political science at Sabancı University, Istanbul. In addition to authored/co-edited books, she has published several articles in Middle East Journal, Middle Eastern Studies, International Migration, Muslim World, Citizenship Studies, Critique: Critical Middle Eastern Studies, Middle East Law and Governance, and Philosophy & Social Criticism.

Mohsen Kadivar

Mohsen Kadivar, a philosopher, theologian, and dissident, is professor of philosophy at Tarbiat Modares University in Iran and a Visiting Scholar of Islamic Legal Studies at Harvard Law School. He has published 12 books and over 100 papers in various Iranian journals. Despite 18 months' imprisonment, he continues to campaign for reform of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Jerome Kagan

Jerome Kagan is the Daniel and Amy Starch professor of psychology at Harvard University. Among the many books he has written and edited are Galen's Prophecy (Basic Books, 1994) and The Nature of the Child (Basic Books, 1997). His current work is devoted to the study of temperamental qualities in young children.

Michele Kahane

Michele Kahane is professor of professional practice at the Milano School of International Affairs, Management, and Urban Policy at The New School for Public Engagement.

Erich Kahler

Erich Kahler (1885-1970), a Jewish scholar forced to flee Germany in 1933, was the author of numerous works, including The Tower and the Abyss: An Inquiry into the Transformation of Man (1957) and a history of the German people, entitled Der Deutsche Charakter in der Geschichte Europas (1937). His work addressed the changing roles of science, technology, and history. After emigrating to the United States, he held numerous positions, including on the New School for Social Research, Princeton University, and Columbia University.

Paul W. Kahn

Paul W. Kahn is Robert W. Winner professor of law and the humanities and director of the Orville H. Schell, Jr. Center for Human Rights at Yale Law School. His publications include Political Theology: Four New Chapters on the Concept of Sovereignty (2011).

Charlotte Kaiser

Charlotte Kaiser leads product development for NatureVest, the Nature Conservancy’s program developing opportunities to drive private capital to conservation. She managed the launch and sale of the $25M Conservation Note.

David Kaiser

David Kaiser is associate professor in the program in science, technology, and society at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and a lecturer in MIT’s Department of Physics. He is the author of Drawing Theories Apart: The Dispersion of Feynman Diagrams in Postwar Physics (2005) and editor of Pedagogy and the Practice of Science: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives (2005).

Sudhir Kakar

Sudhir Kakar is a psychoanalyst in New Delhi, India. He is the author of The Colors of Violence: Cultural Identities, Religion, and Conflict (1996); his other works include Culture and Psyche: Psychoanalysis and India (1997), Shamans, Mystics, and Doctors: A Psychological Inquiry into India and Its Healing Traditions (1991) and The Inner World: A Psycho-Analytic Study of Childhood and Society in India (1990).

H. M. Kallen

H. M. Kallen (1882–1974) was professor emeritus in the Graduate Faculty of the New School for Social Research, was recently appointed to a chair in Social Philosophy in the New School.

Otto Kallscheuer

Otto Kallscheuer is a visiting fellow at the Institute for Human Sciences in Vienna. His most recent publications are Gottes Wort und Volkes Stimme (1994) and "Will There Be a European Left?" (1994).

Kelechi A. Kalu

Kelechi A. Kalu is director of the Center for African Studies and professor in the Department of African American and African Studies at Ohio State University. His current book project is on political restructuring in post-conflict states in Africa.

Leon J. Kamin

Ravi Kanbur

Ravi Kanbur is T. H. Lee Professor of World Affairs and Economics at Cornell University. His recent books include The Quality of Growth in Africa (co-editor with Noman and Stiglitz, 2019) and Climate Justice: Integrating Economics and Philosophy (co-editor with Shue, 2019).

Marina Kaneti

Marina Kaneti holds a PhD in politics from the New School for Social Research. Her current book project develops a theoretical account of migrants’ political agency and freedom of movement. She has previously published with Citizenship Studies and Human Rights Review.

Harold Kaplan

Harold Kaplan is professor of English at Northwestern University. His books include Democratic Humanism and American Literature (1972).

Morton A. Kaplan

Morton A. Kaplan is professor of political science and chairman of the Committee on International Relations at the University of Chicago. He is the author of System and Process in International Politics and Political Foundations of International Law (with N. Katzenbach).

Ethan Kapstein

Ethan Kapstein is the Stassen professor of international peace in the Humphrey Institute and Department of Political Sciences at the University of Minnesota. He is co-editor of Sustaining the Transition (1997) and the author of Governing the Global Economy (1994).

Mehrangiz Kar

Mehrangiz is an Iranian human rights lawyer, writer, and former editor of the now-banned Zan literary review. A noted activist, she has published widely on women's issues in Iran, including The Quest for Identity: The Image of Iranian Women in Prehistory and History (co-edited with Lahiji) and Angel of Justice and Patches of Hell: Women in the Iranian Labor Market (1994).

Akbar Karbassian

Akbar Karbassian is a lecturer at the Iran Banking Institute and is also affiliated with Azad University. Among his recent publications are Budget and Budget Planning in the Iranian Economy (in Farsi, 1999) and 'A Note on the Islamic Banking Practice in Iran (in Relazione Internationale 48 [1999]). His book Iran: A Socio-Political Assessment is forthcoming in Italy.

Henry S. Kariel

Henry S. Kariel, professor of political science, University of Hawaii, has recently published a book, The Promise of Politics.

Kemal H. Karpat

Kemal H. Karpat, a Turk by birth, is now assistant professor of comparative government at Montana State University. He was formerly acting chairman of the School of Public Administration at the Middle East Technical University in Ankara, and in 1952-53 was a research member of the Social Affairs Bureau of the United Nations.

Philip Kasinitz

Philip Kasinitz is professor of sociology at the CUNY Graduate Center, currently serves as executive officer of the doctoral program in sociology. He is the coauthor, most recently, of Inheriting the City: The Children of Immigrants Come of Age (with Mollenkopf, Waters and Holdaway 2008).

Ronald Kassimir

Ronald Kassimir is associate provost for curriculum and research at the New School. He has published scholarly work in many journals and periodicals and coedited three books: Youth Activism: An International Encyclopedia; Intervention and Transnationalism in Africa; and Youth, Globalization, and Law.

Riva Kastoryano

Riva Kastoryano is research director at CNRA/ CERA-Sciences-Po and visiting professor of political science at the New School for Social Research. Her publications include Negotiating Identities: States and Immigrants in France and Germany (2002).

Tetsuya Kataoka

Tetsuya Kataoka, of the Department of Political Science of the State University of New York at Buffalo, is now preparing a book on the process of the communist take-over of China.

George Kateb

George Kateb is William Nelson Cromwell professor of politics, emeritus, and former director of the University Center for Human Values at Princeton University. His books include Patriotism and Other Mistakes (2006)

Gary Kates

Gary Kates is associate professor of history at Trinity University and author of The Cercle Social, the Girondins, and the French Revolution (1985).

Suvir Kaul

Suvir Kaul is professor and chair of the department of English at the University of Pennsylvania. He is the author of Poems of Nation, Anthems of Empire: English Verse in the Long Eighteenth Century (2000). His edited and coedited volumes include Postcolonial Studies and Beyond (2005).

Vytautas Kavolis

Vytautas Kavolis, chairman of the Department of Sociology-Anthropology of Dickinson College, has written several articles on sociological aspects of art, and is particularly concerned with the examination of artistic style.

Jerold S. Kayden

Jerold S. Kayden, an urban planner and lawyer, is the Frank Backus Williams professor of urban planning and design at the Harvard Graduate School of Design. His books include Privately Owned Public Space: The New York City Experience (2000). He serves as principal constitutional counsel to the National Trust for Historic Preservation.

Farhad Kazemi

Farhad Kazemi is professor of politics and Middle Eastern studies at New York University. He has served as president of the Middle East Studies Association of North America and of the Society for Iranian Studies, and is currently a member of the Board of Trustees of the American University in Cairo. He has also served as a consultant to the U.S. government.

Firuz Kazemzadeh

Firuz Kazemzadeh, board member and former president of the World Federation of Baha'is, is professor emeritus at Yale University. He is the author of Central Asia's Foreign Relations: An Historical Survey in The Legacy of History in Russia and the New States of Eurasia (1999).

Michael Kazin

Michael Kazin is a professor of history at Georgetown University and editor emeritus of Dissent magazine. He is the author of seven books about US history and the editor of three. His latest book, What It Took to Win: A History of the Democratic Party, was published in spring 2022.

Paul Kecskemeti

Nikki R. Keddie

Nikki R. Keddie is professor emerita at the University of California-Los Angeles. She has published widely on Iran and the Muslim world, including, most recently, Qajar Iran and the Rise of Reza Khan (1999). She is currently working on articles and an AHA pamphlet on women in Middle Eastern History. She is co-editing (with Rudi Matthee) the proceedings of the UCLA conference, Iran and the Surrounding World since 1500: Cultural Influences and Interactions.

Jesse M. Keenan

Jesse M. Keenan, research director for the Center for Urban Estate Development at Columbia University, is an internationally-recognized expert on climate change planning and design with a focus on private sector adaptive capacity and technical design and development analytics. He is jointly affiliated with the TU Delft Graduate School of Architecture and the Built Environment

Friedrich Keiter

Friedrich Keiter, professor of anthropology at the University of Wuerzburg, has written widely in the field of anthropology and human genetics. He has recently published an essay, 'The Behavioral Consequences at Morphological Diversity in Man' (Wenner-Gren Foundation).

Donald R. Kelley

Donald R. Kelley is professor of history at the University of Rochester. His most recent book is Francois Hotman: A Revolutionary's Ordeal (1973).

Hansfried Kellner

Hansfried Kellner is Wissenschaftlicher Assistant at the University of Frankfurt in Germany. He has written widely on the sociology of knowledge, and is now composing a book, The Sociolinguistics of Social Conversation.

Henry Kelly

Henry Kelly is President of the Federation of American Scientists. He has worked for the US Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, the OTA, and the OSTP.

Hans Kelsen

Hans Kelsen, professor of political science at the University of California at Berkeley, has written widely in German, French, and English on various topics related to constitutional law and international relations. Among his more recent books are Political Theory of Bolshevism (1948) and The Law of the United Nations (1950).

George F. Kennan

George F. Kennan, now at the Institute for Advanced Study Princeton, was formerly counselor of the Department of State Director of its Policy Planning Staff, and subsequently appointed the United States Ambassador to the Soviet Union.

John M. Kennedy

John M. Kennedy is professor of psychology at the University of Toronto.

Richard Kennington

Richard Kennington (1921-1999) instructor in philosophy at Pennslvania State University, did most of the research for his essay on Descartes under a grant from the Social Science Division of The Rockefeller Foundation.

Bob Kerrey

Bob Kerrey is president of the New School University. He served as the Democratic Governor and two-term Senator from Nebraska, and is the author of When I Was a Young Man: a Memoir (2002). He also served as a member of the 9/11 Commission and as co-chair with Newt Gingrich on the National Commission for Quality Long-Term Care.

Mark Kesselman

Mark Kesselman is professor of political science at Columbia University. He is the author of The Ambiguous Consensus (1967) and coauthor of The Politics of Power (1975).

Daniel J. Kevles

Daniel J. Kevles writes about science, technology, medicine, and society past and present. His works include The Baltimore Case, In the Name of Eugenics, The Physicists, and contributions to the New York Times, the New York Review of Books, the New Yorker, and the Times Literary Supplement. A professor of history emeritus at Yale, he is a visitor at New York University and Columbia law schools.

Alexander Keyssar

Alexander Keyssar associate professor of history at Duke University, wrote Out of Work: The First Century of Unemployment in Massachusetts (1986).

Bijan Khajehpour-Khouei

Bijan Khajepour-Khouei is the managing director of Atieh Bahar Consulting, an independent strategic consulting firm based in Tehran. He has commented on political and economic developments of Iran, especially through contributions to international conferences and reviews on Iran. He is also an editorial member of the Farsi social and intellectual review Goftogu (Dialogue).

Dina Khapaeva

Dina Khapaeva is director for research and professor of history at the Smolny Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences (St Petersburg). Author of Gothic Society: Morphology of A Nightmare (2007), among others, her research interests include history and memory, intellectual history, and Soviet history.

D. R. Khatkhate

D. R. Khatkhate (Ph.D. Bombay, 1952) formerly held research and planning positions under the Indian government, and is now deputy director of research in the Reserve Bank of India, Economic Department. His publications include Problems of Monetary Policy in a Developing Economy (1954).

Nina Khrushcheva

Nina Khrushcheva is professor of international affairs at The New School and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and contributing editor to Project Syndicate: Association of Newspapers Around the World. Her latest book is The Lost Khrushchev: A Journey into the Gulag of the Russian Mind (2014).

Eleana Kim

Eleana Kim is a sociocultural anthropologist and associate professor of anthropology at University of California, Irvine, and the author of the award-winning Adopted Territory: Transnational Korean Adoptees and the Politics of Belonging. Her work focuses on kinship, nationalism, political ecology, and posthumanism

Hyojoung Kim

Hyojoung Kim is an assistant professor of sociology and associate director of the Center for Korean American and Korean Studies, California State University, Los Angeles. His research interests include social movements and collective action, political sociology, and race and ethnicity. He is co-winner of the first place winner of the 2004 Best Article Competition Award by the Collective Behavior and Social Movement Section of American Sociological Association.

Mwangi Kimenyi

Mwangi Kimenyi is a senior fellow in the Africa Growth Initiative of the Global Economy and Development Program at the Brookings Institution and a research associate with the Center for the Study of African Economies, University of Oxford.

Michael S. Kimmel

Michael S. Kimmel is associate professor of sociology at the State University of New York at Stonybrook. His books include Men Confront Pornography (1991).

D. Brett King

D. Brett King is a senior instructor in psychology at the University of Colorado at Boulder. He is currently working on A Biography of Max Wertheimer with Michael Wertheimer (forthcoming).

Marcel Kinsbourne

Marcel Kinsbourne, M.D., a neurologist and psychologist known for his work on cerebral dominance and mental development, is the author of nearly 400 articles and the editor of 8 books. He is currently professor of psychology at the New School University's Graduate Faculty and is affiliated with the Boston Veterans Administration Medical Center.

Nehginpao Kipgen

Nehginpao Kipgen is professor and executive director of the Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Jindal School of International Affairs, O.P. Jindal Global University. He is the author of Democracy Movement in Myanmar: Problems and Challenges (2014) and has published over 100 articles in various leading international newspapers and magazines around the world.

Kenneth Kipnis

Kenneth Kipnis is professor of philosophy at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. He has written extensively on ethics in health care, including disaster medicine, the treatment of low-birthweight infants, breaching confidentiality, the surgical normalization of infants with ambiguous genitalia, and the foundations of professional ethics.

Russell Kirk

Russell Kirk is the author of fifteen books, including The Conservative Mind, Edmund Burke, and A Program for Conservatives. A new book, Enemies of the Permanent Things: Observations of Abnormality in Literature and Politics, will appear this winter.

Irving Kirsch

Irving Kirsch is professor of psychology at the University of Connecticut. He is the author or editor of five books, including Changing Expectations: A Key to Effective Psychotherapy (1990) and How Expectancies Shape Experience (1999). He has written extensively on placebo effects, hypnosis, and psychotherapy.

Suzanne R. Kirschner

Suzanne R. Kirschner, an instructor in social studies at Harvard College, is completing a doctoral dissertation on Christian mystical and high-romantic sources of the post-Fredudian psychoanalytic narrative of development.

Janos Kis

Janos Kis is professor of political science at The Central European University in Budapest. He recently wrote Timeliness of an Old Question (1996) and is working on The Neutrality of the State (forthcoming).

Philip Kitcher

Philip Kitcher is John Dewey professor of philosophy and James R. Barker professor of contemporary civilization at Columbia University. His books include the forthcoming The Ethical Project (2011) and Science in a Democratic Society (2011).

Tomasz Kitlinski

Tomasz Kitlinski is an academic, art curator, and activist. He lectured at Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin for more than 20 years. He is a New University in Exile Consortium and Academy in Exile fellow, supported by IIE-SRF, at Freie Universitat Berlin. He studies hospitality in art and philosophy. His forthcoming book is The Stranger Within: Love According to Julia Kristeva.

Arjo Klamer

Arjo Klamer has been professor of cultural economics at the Erasmus University of Rotterdam since 1994. His numerous publications include The Value of Culture: On the Relationship between Economics and Arts (ed. 1996; see

Stephan Klasen

Stephan Klasen is professor of economics at the University of Gottingen and has held positions at the World Bank, King's College (Cambridge UK) and the University of Munich. His publications include Vulnerability to Poverty: Theory, Measurement, and Determinants with Case Studies from Thailand and Vietnam (coedited with Waibel, 2012), and Absolute Poverty and Global Justice (coedited with Mack, Schramm, and Pogge, 2009).

Georgina Kleege

Georgina Kleege is the author of Sight Unseen (1999). Her book Writing Helen Keller is in progress.

Mark A. R. Kleiman

Mark A. R. Kleiman is professor of policy studies at UCLA and currently a visiting scholar at the Urban Institute in Washington, D.C. He is also the Chairman of BOTEC Analysis Corporation, a Cambridge, Massachusetts firm that conducts policy analysis and contract research on illicit drugs, crime, and health care, and is editor of the Drug Policy Analysis Bulletin.

John Kleinig

John Kleinig is emeritus professor of philosophy at John Jay College of Criminal Justice and in the PhD program in philosophy, CUNY. From 1987 to 2011 he was director of the Institute for Criminal Justice Ethics, CUNY, and editor of the journal Criminal Justice Ethics. He is author/editor of 23 books, most recently, The Ethics of Patriotism: A Debate (with Keller and Primoratz, 2015); and Ends and Means in Policing (2019).

Eric Klinenberg

Eric Klinenberg is Helen Gould Shepard professor of social science and director of the Institute for Public Knowledge at New York University. His most recent book is Palaces for the People: How Social Infrastructure Can Help Fight Inequality, Polarization, and the Decline of Civic Life (Crown, 2018).

Fred H. Klopstock

Fred H. Klopstock is the author of Der Tee in Britischen Weltreich and Kakao-Wandlungen in der Erzeugung und Verwendung des Kakaos.

Peter Knight

Peter Knight is a professor of American studies at the University of Manchester. His books include Conspiracy Culture (2000), The Kennedy Assassination (2007), Reading the Market (2016); and Conspiracy Theories in the Time of Covid-19 (2022), coauthored with Clare Birchall.

Sigmund Koch

Sigmund Koch is university professor and professor of psychology and philosophy at Boston University.

Jacek Kochanowicz

Jacek Kochanowicz is an associate professor of economic history at Warsaw University. He is co-author of The Market Meets its Match: Restructuring the Economies of Eastern Europe (1994).

Sarah Kofman

Sarah Kofman teaches philosophy at the University of Paris--Sorbonne. Her most recent book is Le Respect des femmes (1982).

Nathan Kogan

Nathan Kogan is professor and chair of the Psychology Department in the Graduate Faculty of the New School. He recently contributed 'Cognitive Styles and the Encyclopedia of Human Intelligence.'

Karl-Heinz Kohl

Karl-Heinz Kohl is director of the Frobenius-Institute at the Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main and a member of the Berlin-Bradenburg Academy of Sciences. His publications include The End of Anthropology? (co-edited with Jebens, 2011).

Jerome Kohn

Rumyana Kolarova

Rumyana Petrova Kolarova is a research fellow at Sofìa University and a lecturer in the Department of Political Science at the Laboratory for Political Behaviour. She contributed "The Roundtable Talks in Bulgaria" to The Roundtable Talks and the Breakdown of Communism (1996).

Lena Kolarska-Bobinksa

Lena Kolarska-Bobinska is associate professor in the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

paul a. komesaroff

Paul A. Komesaroff is a physician and philosopher at Monash University in Melbourne and executive director of the international NGO Global Reconciliation. His books include Riding a Crocodile: A Physician’s Tale (2014) and Experiments in Love and Death: Medicine, Postmodernism, Microethics and the Body (2008).

Igor S. Kon

Igor S. Kon is professor of sociology at Leningrad State University, and author of 20th Century Philosophy of History, Positivism in Sociology and Sociology of Personality.

David Konstan

David Konstan is the John Rowe Workman distinguished professor of classics and the humanistic tradition, and professor of comparative literature, at Brown University. His most recent publication is Pity Transformed (2001); his book, The Emotions of the Ancient Greeks, is forthcoming.

Janos Kornai

Janos Kornai is professor of economics at Harvard University and Collegium Budapest. He is the author of Highways and Byways: Studies on Reform in Post-Communist Transition (1995).

Andrei Kortunov

Andrei Kortunov is president of the Moscow-based New Eurasia Foundation. He has managed a number of education-focused programs in Russia, working closely with government agencies, higher education institutions, international consultancies, and foreign foundations.


Agnieszka Koscianska is a professor in the Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, University of Warsaw. She is the author and (co) editor of several volumes on gender, sexuality, and discrimination, including Go Away: On Polish Racism (in Polish, with Michał Petryk; 2022), To See a Moose: The History of Polish Sex Education (2021), and Gender, Pleasure, and Violence: The Construction of Expert Knowledge of Sexuality in Poland (2021).

Ellen Ernst Kossek

Ellen Ernst Kossek is the Basil S. Turner professor of management in the Krannert School of Management at Purdue University and the inaugural research director of the Susan Bulkeley Butler Center for Leadership Excellence. a center advancing women’s leadership. She is currently president of the Work and Family Researchers Network.

Stephen M. Kosslyn

Stephen M. Kosslyn is professor of philosophy at Harvard University. His most recent book is Ghosts in the Mind's Machine (1983).

Milton Kotler

Milton Kotler is director of the Institute for Neighborhood Studies and a Fellow of the Institute for Policy Studies, Washington. He wrote Neighborhood Government (1969).

Paul A. Kottman

Paul A. Kottman is professor of comparative literature and chair of the department of liberal studies at the New School for Social Research. He is the author, most recently, of Love as Human Freedom (2018), and the editor of the book series Square One: First Order Questions in the Humanities, published by Stanford University Press.

Andras Kovacs

Andras Kovacs is professor of nationalism studies and Jewish studies at Central European University, and professor of sociology at Eötvös Loránd University. His publications in English include Jews and Politics in Hungary and Values, Interests and Identity: Jews and Politics in the Changing World (1995).

Kriszta Kovacs

Kriszta Kovacs is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow at WZB Berlin Social Science Center and an associate professor at ELTE University Faculty of Social Sciences. Her recent book chapters include Constitutional Continuity Disrupted (in The Rise of Populist Nationalism, CEU Press, 2020) and The Fragility of an Independent Judiciary (with KL Scheppele, in Legal Change in the Post-Communist States, ibidem, 2019).

Joel Kovel

Joel Kovel is associate professor of psychiatry at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York. He is the author of White Racism (1970) and A Complete Guide to Therapy (1976).

Nikahang Kowsar

Nikahang Kowsar is an Iranian cartoonist, journalist, and blogger, currently living in Toronto, Canada. He won the 2001 international "Courage for Editorial Cartooning" award from Cartoonists Rights Network International and received National Press Awards from Iran's "Press Festival" in 1996, 1999, 2000, and 2002.

Siegfried Kracauer

Siegfried Kracauer (1889–1966) was a German Jewish writer, journalist, sociologist, cultural critic, and film theorist. In 1933, he was forced to leave Germany for Paris, and subsequently emigrated to the United States in 1941, where he worked for, among other institutions, the Museum of Modern Art and Columbia University. His books include From Caligari to Hitler: A Psychological History of the German Film (1947), a landmark publication in cinema studies.

Daniel C. Kramer

Daniel C. Kramer is assistant professor of political science at Richmond College. He has written widely on the legal and political philosophy of civil liberties, and is currently preparing a study of the political philosophy of the New Left.

Richard Krautheimer

Jan Kregel

Jan Kregel is senior interregional adviser for the UN Conference on Trade and Development, New York Liaison Office. His publications include 'External Financing for Development and International Financial Instability' (XVIII Meeting, G-24 Technical Group, March 2004).

Mordechai E. Kreinin

Mordechai E. Kreinin, professor of economics at Michigan State University, has written widely in the field of economics. He is completing a book on Israel's program of technical assistance to African and Asian countries.

Nikolai Krementsov

Nikolai Krementsov is associate professor at the University of Toronto. He is the author of Stalinist Science (1997), The Cure: A Story of Cancer and Politics from the Annals of the Cold War (2002), and International Science between the World Wars: The Case of Genetics (2005).

Morten L. Kringelbach

Morten L. Kringelbach is the director of Hedonia: Trygfonden Research Group and holds a dual appointment at the University of Oxford and Aarhus University, where he is a senior research fellow and a professor of neuroscience. He is the coauthor (with Kent Berridge) of The Pleasure Center and coeditor (also with Berridge) of Pleasures of the Brain.

John Krinsky

John Krinsky is the chair of the political science department at the City College of New York. His publications include Free Labor: Workfare and the Contested Language of Neoliberalism (2007).

Jeffrey J. Kripal

Jeffrey J. Kripal holds the J. Newton Rayzor chair in philosophy and religion at Rice University and is the associate director of the Center for Theory and Research at the Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California. He is the author of seven books. His full body of work can be seen at

Claus-Dieter Krohn

Claus-Dieter Krohn is professor of modern history at the Hochschule Luneburg and the University of Hannover in West Germany. His most recent book is Wirtschaftstheorien als politische Interessen (1981).

John Michael Krois

John Michael Krois is assistant professor of philosophy at the Technical University of Braunschweig, West Germany.

Marcin Krol

Marcin Krol is a political philosopher and a member of the faculty of the Institute of Applied Science, Warsaw University and the Graduate School of Social Research, Polish Academy of Science. He is the editor-in-chief of Res Publica.

Hans-Peter Kruger

Hans-Peter Kruger is professor of practical philosophy and speaker of the Ph.D. program in Life Forms and Forms of Knowing How at the University of Potsdam, Germany. His recent publications include Philosophische Anthropologie als Lebenspolitik. Deutsch-jüdische und pragmatistische Modemekritik and Gehirn, Verhalten und Zeit. Der Forschungsrahmen der Philosophischen Anthropologie (both 2009).

Sheila Krumholz

Sheila Krumholz, executive director of the Center for Responsive Politics, speaks regularly with news organizations, scholars, government officials, and NGOs as a money in politics analyst. She has testified before Congress and he Federal Election Commission on issues related to government transparency.

James Kuhn

James Kuhn is associate professor of Industrial Relations, Columbia University, and is co-author of a forthcoming book, Collective Bargaining.

Richard Kuhns

Richard Kuhns, professor of philosophy at Columbia University, wrote The House, the City, and the Judge (1962) and Structures of Experience (1970).

Helga Kuhse

Helga Kuhse is research fellow at the Center for Human Bioethics at Monash University, Victoria, Australia. She is coauthor, with Peter Singer, of Should the Baby Live? (1985).

Jan Kulig

Jan Kulig is professor of international and development economics at the Warsaw School of Economics and the Economics Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw. He and Adam Lipowski recently wrote Macroeconomics 'Shock Therapy' in Eastern Europe: A Response of State-Owned Enterprises (January 1994).

M. S. Vijay Kumar

M. S. Vijay Kumar is assistant provost and director of academic computing at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he provides strategic leadership for academic computing in information systems and technology as well as academic media production services.


Hans Kundnani is a visiting fellow at the Remarque Institute at New York University and an Open Society Foundations Ideas Workshop fellow. He was previously the director of the Europe Programme at the Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House) in London, where he also led a research project on democracy in Europe.

Howard Kunreuther

Howard Kunreuther is Cecilia Yen Koo professor of decision sciences and public policy at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, and codirector of the Wharton Risk Management and Decision Processes Center. His most recent book is At War with the Weather (coauthored with Michel-Kerjan, 2009).

Carin Kuoni

Carin Kuoni, director of the Vera List Center for Art and Politics at The New School for Public Engagement, is also a founding member of the artists’ collective REPOhistory. She is the editor of Energy Plan for the Western Man: Joseph Beuys in America (1990, 1993) and Words of Wisdom: A Curator’s Vade Mecum on Contemporary Art (2001).

Timur Kuran

Timur Kuran is professor of economics and Faisal professor of Islamic thought and culture at the University of Southern California. His most recent book is Private Truths, Public Lies: The Social Consequences of Preference Falsification.

Joanna Kurczewska

Joanna Kurczewska, who specializes in the study of nations and nationalism, is university professor of sociology at the Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology. She is the editor of the Polish Sociological Review.

Jacek Kurczewski

Jacek Kurczewski, professor at Warsaw University, Institute of Applied Social Sciences, specializes in sociology of law. He is the author of The Resurrection of Rights in Poland (1993) and co-editor (with MacLean) of Family, Politics and Law: Perspectives for East and West Europe (1994).

Mehmet Kurt

Mehmet Kurt is a lecturer at Yale University and a Marie Curie Global Fellow at the London School of Economics and Political Science. He is a scholar of Islam and the Middle East, with a particular focus on Kurds, Turkey, and its diasporas. He is the author of Kurdish Hizbullah in Turkey: Islamism, Violence and the State (2017).

Heinz D. Kurz

Heinz D. Jurz is professor of economics at the University of Graz and director of the Graz Schumpeter Centre. He is the author of Theory of Production: A Long-period Analysis (with Salvadori, 1995) as well as several other books and numerous articles.

Edith Kurzweil

Edith Kurzweil is professor of sociology at Rutgers University and executive editor of the Partisan Review. Her books include The Age of Structuralism (1980).

Donald B. Kuspit

Donald B. Kuspit is professor of art history at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He wrote The Philosophical Life of the Senses (1969).

David Kyle

David Kyle is associate professor of sociology at the University of California, Davis and coeditor with Rey Koslowski of Global Human Smuggling: Comparative Perspectives (2011). His current research explores the intellectual and institutional history of creativity and the sociology of creative work, especially among migrants.


Will Kymlicka is the Canada Research Chair in Political Philosophy in the Department of Philosophy at Queen’s University, Canada, where he has taught since 1998. He is the coauthor, with Sue Donaldson, of Zoopolis: A Political Theory of Animal Rights (2011).

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