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NONTHEMATIC / Vol. 26, No. 1 (Spring 1959)

The calendar years 1956-57 were difficult ones indeed for analysts concerned with aggregate economic stability. Not only did economists disagree as to whether the major problem was one of inflation or unemployment, but those who agreed on trends frequently offered different explanations of what they observed.

The year 1940 is a particularly convenient benchmark for the study of social and economic changes in Mexico. As the last year of the Cardenas administration, it marks the end of the distinctively agrarian and revolutionary phase of the Mexican revolution and the beginning of a new phase that some have called the 'industrial revolution' and others "a shift to the right."

Confucius (551-479 BC) may rightly deserve to be called the founder of Chinese humanism. In its prominent characteristics Confucian philosophy is humanistic, occupying itself mainly with human relations and virtues, studiously shunning all questions that enter into ontological subtleties or partake of the supernatural.

Among lawyers and students of the United States Constitution, John Marshall's reputation is legendary. He is enshrined in American memory as the greatest Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and as a jurist of matchless accomplishment. But he is rarely ranked among political thinkers.

Tiresias was blinded early in life because he saw Athena naked, but the gods comforted him by the gift of seercraft. This is one of the many forms of the myth handed down to us through the centuries.

The career of Julius Wyler exemplifies the fate of the modern scholar as described by Max Weber in his famous address, "Science as a Profession," in which he dealt with the necessity for restrictive specialization when one wants to understand the social universe.

One of the most striking developments in recent decades has been the extent to which governments have undertaken the responsibility for regulating the volume and direction of investment spending.

In recent years antitrust decisions have been influenced considerably by the economics of firm-and-industry behavior. Examples include Justice Hand's application of the theory of monopoly in condemning Alcoa because it was large in relation to the primary aluminum market; also the decision in which Du Pont was found innocent of monopolization on the ground that cellophane competes with other wrapping materials.

Review of book by A. D. H. Kaplan, Joel B. Dirlam, and Robert F. Lanzillotti. Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution. 1958. 344 pp.

Review of book by Earl Browder. New York: Duell, Sloan and Pearce. 1958. 146 pp.

Review of book edited by Hans Speier and W. Phillips Davison. Evanston, Ill.: Row, Peterson. 1957. 323 pp

Review of book by Wilhelm Hennis. Tubingen: J. C. B. Mohr. 1957.

Review of book by Karl Loewenstein. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1957. 442 pp.

Review of book by Hannah Arendt. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1958. 332 pp.

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