Social Research: An International Quarterly publishes four thematic issues each year. We are not a peer-reviewed journal—almost 100 percent of the work we publish is by invitation to fit a planned thematic issue—and we do not charge any fees for authors to submit a manuscript.
Please review our list of forthcoming issues, which states whether issues are open or closed, before sending a submission. If there is no nonthematic issue listed, it means we are not currently planning one and therefore will not consider any manuscripts that do not address a planned theme. Please also review back issues of the journal to familiarize yourself with the sort of articles we publish (for example, we do not publish discussion and statistical analysis of discrete studies).
Article manuscripts should be no longer than 8,000 words in length, including all endnotes and references. Please email us an editable file, and if your manuscript contains nonstandard chararacters or symbols, please also send a PDF file.
Place the title of your article, your name, brief bio, and contact information (including mailing address), and your abstract or summary on the first page of manuscript.
Bear in mind that Social Research follows the Chicago Manual of Style's Author-Date system and so does not use footnotes. References are cited within the text and listed at the end of the paper, and all notes are provided as endnotes. We urge our authors to limit their references only to sources directly cited in the article and, further, to avoid citing sources merely as further reading.
Any acknowledgments should follow the body of the article and precede the notes section.
Articles may include up to a total of five visuals (images, figures, graphs, or tables). Authors are responsible for obtaining all permission and providing Social Research with a copy of the written permission, complete captions (including credit lines), and publishable image files. Social Research routinely prints in greyscale only, but if an author prefers to include color images, the author may pay a surcharge for color printing.
If accepted, manuscripts and visuals must be formatted for publication according to the Social Research style and image guidelines. These guidelines will be provided upon acceptance. However, for submission purposes, any format is acceptable, and low-resolution images may be included within the manuscript.
Unsolicited manuscripts must be accompanied by the author's CV.
Submissions may be emailed to the editor's attention at
Please allow four to six months for a response. Because of our skeletal staff, we are unable to provide feedback on unsolicited submissions.